Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Reflecting My Blog

I dared to create my own blog and to open my thoughts to the public because I thought that my writing skill in English was not good and I had to bear the burden of the responsibility of it.

However, I chose this class for my English composition class and I created my first blog. The first post and layout of my blog was very simple like a house without any decorations. I was learning how to maintain and upgrade the blog while learning computer skills in this class. It made me be excited to upgrade my blog step by step: the simple layout of my blog was transformed by the addition of pictures and designs. I felt that I became a professional blogger.

Blogging helped me a lot in developing my English composition skills through social interaction on the network. Following academic techniques in this blog made me also keep in mind that this blogging was used as an English composition class. The more I studied and researched about my topic “multiculturalism”, the more I could educate other bloggers with it being used as an informative guide. Comments from other bloggers corrected my prejudices or wrong information on cultures from other nations. Posting of each issue in the blog and the instant responses by other bloggers made this a very vivid class.

Before starting this class, I never thought about creating my own blog. Actually I have used others’ blogs to obtain information for several reasons. Maintaining my blog and reading others’ blogs has become a part of my daily life. I am not afraid to blog and search my thoughts to the public anymore. What a life enriching experience this was.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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